Hey!! A lot has happened since I last posted. Namely, I moved into a place with two of the other Woolly Bullies. We now have a huge, two-part workshop and storage area. On top of that, we're right off of Sunset Blvd., the main drag for Motorcycles and mopeds in LA. I can sit at the cafe near my house and just clock mopeds/mopedders all day! Since we have a workshop now, I've been taking on some paid gigs (mostly port work) for other people. I'm currently building 5(!) bikes in tandem as well. We'll see how fast they get done...
Here are some pictures of the work Daniel (my roommate) and I have been doing in the new workshop:
Athena Port Job:

(I'm pretty proud of that one.)
A K-Star Piston

Marking for my first frenchy port job:

A Project of mine... This 60cc is a 70cc killer. There are gonna be a lot of sad treat kit kids. So, I've dubbed it:

And of course, no moped workshop could be complete without moped fuel:

(This one got a little manhandled but it was a pentagram).
Next post coming soon!!
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