Thursday, August 26, 2010

Inside the Murder Mag

I got a machinist to lighten some parts for me.


  1. so rad! did he balance the main gear too? i hate how out of whack they are

  2. He did. The guy used a computer program for it, but he said it wasn't that bad to begin with. The clutch bell was more out of balance.

  3. some of them are more gifted than others. when nate was building his magnum, he went through this big box of main gears they have at motomatic to find the most balanced one. most of them were waaay off

  4. Gotcha. Guess I got lucky and had a good one to begin with.

  5. yeah, some are way off some are not bad. i machined one that the casting was almost 1/8" out of round compared to the machining

  6. there was some talk of removing 3 of the "arms" on the main gear for even more weight reduction.... i hear some SF cat did this with good results?

  7. The machinist said that taking out the 3 arms would sacrifice too much integrity. Since this seems to be a hot topic, I'll upload another pic of my clutch bell. The guy did a super rad job on this stuff. I'm only now getting this engine dialed in, but it's definitely the most responsive engine I've ever had. Super smooth (lightened) clutch engage too.
